Get to know us

I'm the older brother of Erick Pausz.  That in itself is enough to say I had a fulfilled life.  Incredibly, there is more - I have a name and it is Chris.

I'm one of five kids who lived in a very small house near the railroad tracks on the outskirts of Evergreen Park, IL which is literally a stones throw from Chicago.  Due to less in the nature of housing we had a nice big backyard with trees and this offered us many adventuristic activities.  Evergreen Park's claim to fame is having the first indoor mall in the Chicago/Chicagoland area - Evergreen Plaza, now 'The Plaza'.  Oh and how can I forget-E.P. is the home of the notorious Unabomber! In the late 80's, I fled my hometown  in search of knowledge and breathing room at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.  Besides a major in beer and spirits I also studied political science and psychology.  School for me had always been a challenge as it was often difficult to hear the lectures/teachers as I was born with a hearing loss.  Limitations aside, college for me was quite the eye opener and learning experience as SIUC was a very diverse school which contrasted markedly with E.P.'s large white population.  After many years as an assistant manager in the retail world,  I ventured into home remodeling/handyman services.  A jack-of-all-trades, I'm proud to say I can pretty much do anything under a roof. I lived in the far north neighborhood of Rogers Park for 4 years and enjoyed immensely the vibrant diverse art culture.  As a slowly gentrifying neighborhood it had its issues.  I can say there was never a dull moment! My interest in the health/fitness field has led to me becoming a Certified Personal Trainer with a goal to open a private studio one day.


I must be Erick Pausz.
I'm the younger brother of Chris Pausz, and if you knew him as well as I did, and had to live with him as long as I endured, you'd be surprised to find that I not only have all my limbs, but I turned out to be a semi-functioning adult. I too am originally from Evergreen Park, IL, a south suburb of Chicago where I was born into a wacky family of five kids, myself being the youngest and scrawniest mostly to do with my big brother, Chris (co-blogger) eating the majority of the food in the house. I went to Columbia College of Chicago and studied film/screenwriting. I left for Los Angeles, California six years ago and have been hustling to become a tv/film writer ever since. I live in a little art community on the east side with my awesome girlfriend Bianca, of almost five years (next month) check out her blog Squirrel Hobbies and our two cat children, Nimbi and Looey. I miss my Chicago family and wish I could see them more. Hopefully this blog will bridge the distance between us.
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